I’ve heard this question many times from friends, family, clients, colleagues and strangers: Why did you choose real estate as a career? Good question! The answer is: lots of reasons.
1. It seemed like a great idea.
I was in my last semester of University and I knew I needed some further education to help kick start a career. (Funny how a University education can still leave you working at a bookstore or Starbucks…) It was between finance and real estate. Frankly, the idea of working in a bank made me shudder so real estate is was!
2. I love MLS.
I bought my first property in 2008 and I became obsessed with MLS. I would check it every day and start to dream up scenarios such as “If I had 500,000 to spend, where would I live?” After going through the process of buying real estate, it solidified my desire to follow through with the course.
3. It was a good fit.
My degree is in Economics so I can certainly talk the talk when it comes to markets. My interest is in business and marketing. My mom and dad are both
entrepreneurs so it only made sense to eventually be my own boss. My background is in customer service and I truly love helping people
Now that I’m in this business, there are a few reasons why I will stay here
1. I’m in it for the right reasons.
Many people think real estate is glamorous and big money. The honest truth is it’s bloody hard work and not a get-rich-quick scheme. I was lucky enough to have my parents support (emotionally and financially) to get started, but to carry forward, it’s going to take everything I’ve got. The first two years, I am told, are the hardest (financially and emotionally). I say, bring it on! I’d much rather be broke and working my ass off than have money in the bank and be miserable everyday having to drag myself to work. I’m not here to get rich, I’m here because I love the work I do.
2. I learn something new every day.
Every day is different and every day is a challenge. This is the type of environment I thrive in. I can’t handle the mundane. I’ve never held a job longer than a year that didn’t offer me something more. Real estate provides an environment where I’m constantly learning; whether it be through courses, seminars, or just the transactions and people I deal with. The real estate industry is constantly evolving as well; whether it be industry guidelines or new strata property laws. There’s always something to stay on top of and learn about.
3. I love the “warm fuzzies”
Call me “emo”, but I really like the personal side to this industry. Residential real estate lends itself to many situations in a person’s life. There’s downsizers, up-graders, first time buyers, newlyweds, divorces, estate sales, new to town, moving out of town, just had kids, empty nesters. You get the idea... With every situation there is one or a set of people dealing with something very emotional. Happiness, sadness, frustration, stress, nervousness, excitement. As a realtor, I really enjoy being a part of these pivotal moments in people’s lives. In some situations, you inadvertently become a councilor, and that’s okay. I can tell you, there’s nothing more gratifying than helping someone find their dream home, or enabling someone to move on, or help someone start a new chapter in their life. Being there for these moments gives me warm fuzzies, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!