So I hopped on the good ol' internet and starting researching. Surely there had to be a way to fix this issue! I had heard a rumor that if you soak a wet phone in isopropanoyl and let it dry, everything would be ok. I read a couple blogs and decided it would be worth a shot. After all, it's not every day I eff-up a $700 piece of hardware beyond warranty. Hmmph.
So I soaked it in a bowl of isopropyl for 30 seconds or so. I watch the bubbles come out the ear phone plug while the screen filled with liquid... this did not look good... I felt like I was drowning my poor iPhone.
My next step was a trip to the hardware store to find a product called DriZair. It's meant to suck the moisture out of the air in basements... surely it could suck the moisture out of my phone. So I placed the phone in an air tight container with a bunch of DriZair. After a day I was losing patience, so I put a desk lamp over the container to heat it up a little. This seemed to speed up the process.
Two painful days of waiting, I removed the iPhone, plugged it into my computer and the little apple appeared!!!!!!!!
The only issue now is the screen looks like it has clouds on it.. and every once and a while the screen will turn on that says "Charging is not supported with this accessory". Shmeh. Small price to pay since I thought I'd lost my precious iPhone.

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