So apparently Realtors are busy people?! Who knew! But as I'm learning... there's "good busy" and "baaaaad busy". Or more like "productive" vs "just busy". I'm taking a course right now put on by Brian Buffini and we're learning how to be great in 100 days. It basically takes the principal that if you invest your time wisely in making sure your clients/future clients know they are the most important thing to you, you won't have to spend your time prospecting in other ways. That is to say, there will be no door knocking/cold calling for me! In other words, I will generate leads by providing great service and asking for referrals. This way I don't have to advertise and basically ask to work with weirdos/difficult people. I will work by referral and get to work with high quality people (such as yourself!). Now I just have to get the ball rolling...
Oh, and it's rolling!! I've been contacting a few people asking for their addresses because during my first year in business, I'm doing a friends and family referral program. It basically goes something like this... You know me, you trust me, and you would feel comfortable referring me to your friends and family who may be buying or selling a home. If I receive a referral from you and it results in a sale, I will send some cash (well.. cheque) in your direction! Now that's incentive. At least this will help get me started during my first year. After that, it's all about the client appreciation parties (and you're invited)!!
So if you're interested in receiving some information about my referral program by mail, please let me know! You can send me a Facebook message, write me an e-mail (click here!), or give me a call at work! (250-384-7663). I would love to hear from you.
Oh, by the way, I'm never too busy for your referrals!!

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